Monday, October 23, 2006

Broken Bow, NE

After returning from Nebraska yesterday, I tuned in to NPR's Sunday Weekend Edition and heard a report on the political climate in Broken Bow, NE. Broken Bow seems to be a little more central than Alliance, but from the description on the show, it doesn't sound a whole lot different from Valentine, and gives a decen depiction of the way of life off the reservation here. We were actually talking about heading in that general direction next weekend. There is also an interview with a few of the residents on their current views, and, finally, a memory of Lawrence Welk's performance in Broken Bow. Somehow I've heard more about Lawrence Welk in the past two weeks than I had for the whole rest of my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boyce, this is really fun to read.

- James (Golden)