Sunday, October 01, 2006


I was poking around on the Teach For America website the other day, and I came across this video (scroll down to "A Day in the Life"), starring South Dakota's own Mr. Holth, which depicts a day at summer institute. When I watched it, I kept being like, "that's my hallway!" "that's my bathroom!" (you can see me very briefly as I stumble out of my room on my way to breakfast; a lot of the other SoDak corps members get some better face time). And I suddenly felt nosalgic for Houston. Probably some kind of Stockholm Syndrome--the stress warped my mind so much that now I remember Moody Towers fondly. But it was nice to have that kind of communal living, a certain camraderie as we all stumbled out into the bathroom half-awake and enjoyed the fine dining of RFOC.

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